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[File Operatecable5

Description: 《有线数字电视机顶盒和遥控器功能实施指导意见》,数字有线电视行业标准。-"Digital Cable TV Set-Top-Box and remote control functions for the application of the guidelines," Digital Cable TV industry standards.
Platform: | Size: 38601 | Author: citycenter123 | Hits:

[File Formatcable5

Description: 《有线数字电视机顶盒和遥控器功能实施指导意见》,数字有线电视行业标准。-"Digital Cable TV Set-Top-Box and remote control functions for the application of the guidelines," Digital Cable TV industry standards.
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: citycenter123 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringucos2_jidinghe

Description: 介绍了基于嵌入式实时操作系统uCOS - ii 的有线数字电视机顶盒的设计及其组成,并阐述其 具体实现,该机顶盒以实时多任务操作系统uCOS - ii 为核心,以信道解码模块、信号解码模块和网络链 接接口模块、遥控交互模块为基础,以有线电视机顶盒专用芯片MB87M2140 为主要实现方式,有效实现 了数字电视信号的交互应用-Introduce a real-time operating system based on embedded uCOS- ii cable digital TV set-top box design and its components, and explains its concrete realization of the set-top box in real-time multi-tasking operating system uCOS- ii as a core and channel decoding module, signal decoding modules and network link interface module, remote control-based interactive module to cable TV set-top box ASIC MB87M2140 realize as the main way of effective realization of the digital TV signals in interactive applications
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: pengrong | Hits:


Description: 有线电视数字机顶盒技术4,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-4 cable TV digital set-top box technology, set-top box so friends can see!
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: 王俊 | Hits:


Description: 有线电视数字机顶盒技术4,做机顶盒的朋友可以看看!-4 cable TV digital set-top box technology, set-top box so friends can see!
Platform: | Size: 286720 | Author: 王俊 | Hits:

[Technology Managementfuzhou_dvb

Description: 目前有线数字电视机顶盒作为消费类电子产品,已经得到了大范围的发展和应用。鉴于我市数字电视建设需要,应用的机顶盒应遵循相应的国家或行业标准,以规范机顶盒的功能和各项性能,为统一入网机顶盒标准,特制定本规范。-At present, cable digital TV set-top boxes, as consumer electronics products, has been a wide range of development and application. In view of our city-building needs of digital television, set-top box applications to be followed in the corresponding country or industry standards to regulate the functions of set-top boxes and various performance standards for a unified network set-top boxes, special norms of the final version.
Platform: | Size: 176128 | Author: junjun | Hits:

[GUI Developzaptor.tar

Description: Source code for GUI in Zaptor cable tv set top box
Platform: | Size: 742400 | Author: muk | Hits:

[Multimedia programffmpeg.tar

Description: 高清机顶盒开发,包括IPTV 有线数字电视,卫星-HD set-top box development, including IPTV digital cable TV, satellite
Platform: | Size: 3086336 | Author: 李彬 | Hits:


Description: 基于uCOS - ii 的有线数字电视 机顶盒的设计和实现-Based on uCOS- ii cable digital TV set-top box design and implementation
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: zhaokang | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net